Out-of-core support

Out-of-core support

JuliaDBMeta supports out-of-core operations in several different ways. In the following examples, we will have started the REPL with julia -p 4

Row-wise macros parallelize out of the box

Row-wise macros can be trivially implemented in parallel and will work out of the box with out-of-core tables.

julia> iris = loadtable(Pkg.dir("JuliaDBMeta", "test", "tables", "iris.csv"));

julia> iris5 = table(iris, chunks = 5);

julia> @where iris5 :SepalLength == 4.9 && :Species == "setosa"
Distributed Table with 4 rows in 2 chunks:
SepalLength  SepalWidth  PetalLength  PetalWidth  Species
4.9          3.0         1.4          0.2         "setosa"
4.9          3.1         1.5          0.1         "setosa"
4.9          3.1         1.5          0.2         "setosa"
4.9          3.6         1.4          0.1         "setosa"

Grouping operations parallelize with some data shuffling

Grouping operations will work on out-of-core data tables, but may involve some data shuffling as it requires data belonging to the same group to be on the same processor.

julia> @groupby iris5 :Species {mean(:SepalLength)}
Distributed Table with 3 rows in 3 chunks:
Species       mean(SepalLength)
"setosa"      5.006
"versicolor"  5.936
"virginica"   6.588

Apply a pipeline to your data in chunks

@applychunked will apply the analysis pipeline separately to each chunk of data in parallel and collect the result as a distributed table.

julia> @applychunked iris5 begin
           @where :Species == "setosa" && :SepalLength == 4.9
           @transform {Ratio = :SepalLength / :SepalWidth}
Distributed Table with 4 rows in 2 chunks:
SepalLength  SepalWidth  PetalLength  PetalWidth  Species   Ratio
4.9          3.0         1.4          0.2         "setosa"  1.63333
4.9          3.1         1.5          0.1         "setosa"  1.58065
4.9          3.1         1.5          0.2         "setosa"  1.58065
4.9          3.6         1.4          0.1         "setosa"  1.36111

Column-wise macros do not parallelize yet

Column-wise macros do not have a parallel implementation yet, unless when grouping: they require working on the whole column at the same time which makes it difficult to parallelize them.