Getting Started

Getting Started


The DataTables package is available through the Julia package system. Throughout the rest of this tutorial, we will assume that you have installed the DataTables package and have already typed using NullableArrays, DataTables to bring all of the relevant variables into your current namespace. In addition, we will make use of the RDatasets package, which provides access to hundreds of classical data sets.

The Nullable Type

To get started, let's examine the Nullable type. Objects of this type can either hold a value, or represent a missing value (null). For example, this is a Nullable holding the integer 1:


And this represents a missing value:


Nullable objects support all standard operators, which return another Nullable. One of the essential properties of null values is that they poison other items. To see this, try to add something like Nullable(1) to Nullable():

Nullable(1) + Nullable()

The get function can be used to extract the value from the Nullable wrapper when it is not null. For example:

julia> a = Nullable("14:00:00")

julia> b = get(a)

julia> typeof(b)

Note that operations mixing Nullable and scalars (e.g. 1 + Nullable(1)) are not supported.

The NullableArray Type

Nullable objects can be stored in a standard Array just like any value:

v = Nullable{Int}[1, 3, 4, 5, 4]

But arrays of Nullable are inefficient, both in terms of computation costs and of memory use. NullableArrays provide a more efficient storage, and behave like Array{Nullable} objects.

nv = NullableArray(Nullable{Int}[Nullable(), 3, 2, 5, 4])

In many cases we're willing to just ignore missing values and remove them from our vector. We can do that using the dropnull function:


Instead of removing null values, you can try to convert the NullableArray into a normal Julia Array using convert:

convert(Array, nv)

This fails in the presence of null values, but will succeed if there are no null values:

nv[1] = 3
convert(Array, nv)

In addition to removing null values and hoping they won't occur, you can also replace any null values using the convert function, which takes a replacement value as an argument:

nv = NullableArray(Nullable{Int}[Nullable(), 3, 2, 5, 4])
mean(convert(Array, nv, 0))

Which strategy for dealing with null values is most appropriate will typically depend on the specific details of your data analysis pathway.

The DataTable Type

The DataTable type can be used to represent data tables, each column of which is an array (by default, a NullableArray). You can specify the columns using keyword arguments:

dt = DataTable(A = 1:4, B = ["M", "F", "F", "M"])

It is also possible to construct a DataTable in stages:

dt = DataTable()
dt[:A] = 1:8
dt[:B] = ["M", "F", "F", "M", "F", "M", "M", "F"]

The DataTable we build in this way has 8 rows and 2 columns. You can check this using size function:

nrows = size(dt, 1)
ncols = size(dt, 2)

We can also look at small subsets of the data in a couple of different ways:


dt[1:3, :]

Having seen what some of the rows look like, we can try to summarize the entire data set using describe:


To focus our search, we start looking at just the means and medians of specific columns. In the example below, we use numeric indexing to access the columns of the DataTable:


We could also have used column names to access individual columns:


We can also apply a function to each column of a DataTable with the colwise function. For example:

dt = DataTable(A = 1:4, B = randn(4))
colwise(c->cumsum(dropnull(c)), dt)

Importing and Exporting Data (I/O)

For reading and writing tabular data from CSV and other delimited text files, use the CSV.jl package.

If you have not used the CSV.jl package before then you may need to download it first.


The CSV.jl functions are not loaded automatically and must be imported into the session.

# can be imported separately
using DataTables
using CSV
# or imported together, separated by commas
using DataTables, CSV

A dataset can now be read from a CSV file at path input using, DataTable)

Note the second positional argument of DataTable. This instructs the CSV package to output a DataTable rather than the default DataFrame. Keyword arguments may be passed to after this second argument.

A DataTable can be written to a CSV file at path output using

dt = DataTable(x = 1, y = 2)
CSV.write(output, dt)

For more information, use the REPL help-mode or checkout the online CSV.jl documentation!

Accessing Classic Data Sets

To see more of the functionality for working with DataTable objects, we need a more complex data set to work with. We'll use the RDatasets package, which provides access to many of the classical data sets that are available in R.

For example, we can access Fisher's iris data set using the following functions:

using CSV
iris ="DataTables"), "test/data/iris.csv"), DataTable)

In the next section, we'll discuss generic I/O strategy for reading and writing DataTable objects that you can use to import and export your own data files.

Querying DataTables

While the DataTables package provides basic data manipulation capabilities, users are encouraged to use the following packages for more powerful and complete data querying functionality in the spirit of dplyr and LINQ: